Roberto Salas

Born in New York City in 1940, Roberto started working with his father, well known Cuban-American photographer, Osvaldo Salas. He came to Cuba at the age of 18 with his father just before the Revolution broke out. They became one of the group of photographers who had access to the upper leaders of the Cuban revolution right at the beginning in January 1959. This group of photographers made history in Cuban photography later known as “the epic photography of the Cuban revolution”. After the revolution he and his father decided to stay in Cuba. Roberto continued to photograph Fidel over the years and as well as life in Cuba. Many of his images are iconic of the Cuban Revolution with such leading figures as FIdel Castro and Che Guevara. His photographs capture the passion and intensity of that time. His works, expressive and powerful, are conceived with a particular documentary character, reaching one of the most representative spots on Cuban contemporary photography history. Salas is the bearer of a special lyricism, balancing his realistic approach on a very personal focus.

Roberto has exhibited in more than 70 personal shows throughout the world as well as collective expositions in Cuba, Mexico, France, Spain, Nicaragua, Jamaica, Nigeria, Vietnam, Belgium, Germany, Poland, Hungary, Canada, United States, France and Italy. He has worked as a collaborator photographer for different national and international publications. He has partifipated in: National Photography Salon; Havana City´s Salon; National Salon of Cuba´s National Union of Writers and Artists (UNEAC); “Ashai Shimbun” International Photography Salon, Japan, and the I Cuban Contemporary Arts Salon, Havana, among others. Salas has received numerous important prizes and distinctions.
